Effective State Exam & Subject Tutoring
We got you covered with remote tutoring!
All of our tutoring services are effectively operating on the remote learning platform. Please choose whether you prefer Google Meets, Zoom, Teams, or a different platform.
No Tutoring Center? No worries - Follow Us can set up a formal tutoring center in your school within one week of request. Whether your school needs full-day instruction for entire classrooms or just a single-period tutoring for a few students, Follow Us is happy to provide. We tutor all subject areas in elementary, middle, and high school State Exams in NY, TX, and FL, focusing primarily on test-taking strategies to help students achieve a passing score. Our specialty is working with students who have failed multiple times in the past, especially those who need only a passing score to graduate.
Our experienced instructors are primarily educated at the Ivy League level and have ELL capability in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Haitian Creole, Uzbek, Portuguese, Arabic, and Urdu. Our goal is aligned with yours - to help students pass the necessary exams for graduation.
Intensive tutoring can be provided in the following formats:
Classroom Instruction (up to ~34 students, multiple instructors)
Small Group (up to ~5 students per instructor)
Private One-on-One Tutoring