Health & Wellness: Necessity, not Option
Remote workshops and classes offered to help students, parents, and staff/faculty stay healthy during COVID-19. All services listed below may be delivered remotely, with emphasis on mental health and social-emotional coping skills.
When someone asks you how you're doing, what does it mean to say you're doing "well"? Does it mean you are mentally happy? Physically fit? Well-fed? Or hopefully, all of the above? It is no surprise that health and wellness are key components to fostering future success for students. Virginia Woolf famously stated, "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Recent research has clearly shown that K-12 students' performance improves with a healthy breakfast and lunch, while their performance declines with poor nutrition. However, nutrition is not the only component of health and wellness. Follow Us believes that true Wellness has three major components:
Mental Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition form a complete and iterative cycle to help students achieve their highest potential. If Mental Health were missing, that student would have a difficult time focusing in school. If Nutrition were missing, that student would likely suffer from fatigue and possibly become ill. If Physical Activity were missing, that student may have health problems and even be bullied by peers.
To help foster Wellness, Follow Us developed our signature Health Summit curriculum, an interactive series of workshops and activities to get students moving in fun ways, learning about tasty food options and developing healthy attitudes. The Health Summit curriculum may be customized for each school or organization's specific objective and audience. When focusing on specific arts, such as hip hop dancing or method acting, Follow Us hires professional painters, dancers, actors and other artists to instruct students. Core topics include:
Follow Us Cooking School
Nutrition Overview
Food: Friend or Enemy?
Exercise & Activity
The Science of Movement
Dance Trends for Fitness
Mental Wellness
Meditation Basics
Conflict Resolution